Seed Starter Kit Instructions
As always, we are pleased to share our experiences and technology!
Plumeria Seed Starter Kit
After several years of experimenting with various media and products for germinating and growing seedlings, we've decided to market our own. The Florida Colors Nursery Plumeria Seed Starter Kit consists of a flat tray without drain holes, a plug tray and 36, pH neutral 2" x 3" foam injected peat plugs pre-saturated with micro-nutrients. Specific micro-nutrients have been added to promote seed germination and give young seedlings a kick start. The Plumeria Seed Germination Kit is for the serious grower who wants the most out of their seeds.
For best results always start with the freshest seeds possible. Purchase from a trusted seller known to provide quality plumeria seeds.
Optional Nutrient Mix - 1 oz of Carl Pool's Root Activator and 1 oz Vital Earth's Vitazyme per gal of water. The products used for the nutrient mix are products we have been using and also sell on our website, but you can certainly replace with similar products.
Seed Germination
If you need to test viability or speed up initial germination, you may want to soak your seeds before planting. See “How to Soak Plumeria Seeds”
Phase I is seed germination, all you need is plumeria seeds and a sharp knife to get started.
- Remove the plastic cover. (The tray and plugs are wrapped in plastic and sealed to keep the plugs moist.)
- Use a knife to make a slice in each plug, make a 1/2" wide slice and about 2" down into the plug.
- Place your seeds in the slice allowing the seed’s flag to stick out.
- Fill the flat tray with the nutrient mix (1 oz of Root Activator and 1 oz Vitazyme per gal of water) The best way to accomplish this is to lift a plug out, add nutrients and replace the plug.
- Seed germination will take from 7-14 days, sometimes longer.
Seedling Growth
Phase II is the initial seedling growth
- Check the flat tray every few days and add water when needed to keep the tray full. The easiest way is to lift a plug out, check and add nutrients if needed, then replace the plug.
- After your seedling has produced three or four real leaves, start fertilizing with Bioblast 7-7-7 every two weeks (Mix: 1 teaspoon per gallon, this is half strength), early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Do not spray during the heat of the day.
- Check the water level in the trays often and add water as needed to keep the flat tray full of water.
- Check and add nutrients as needed, the same mix as above or similar.
- Every two weeks foliar feed with Bioblast 7-7-7 fertilize (1 teaspoon per gallon, half strength), early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Do not spray during the heat of the day.
- When you see substantial growth and lots of roots, it is time to transplant into soil.
- Initial seedling growth is usually 2-3 months.
NOTE: Your seedlings growth will vary depending on the weather and time of year. Spring is the best time for planting and growing plumeria seeds. Seeds need warmth and moisture to germinate; seedlings need warmth, moisture, and light to grow.
Transplanting to Soil and Fertilizing
Phase III is transplanting the plugs into a soil mix; I use Pro-Mix BX with Mycorrhizae for the first phase of seedling growth in soil. Expect this to be eight months or longer.
- Fill a one gal pot or larger with Pro-Mix BX with Mycorrhizae.
- Drench the Pro-Mix with the same mix as above, (1 oz of Root Activator and 1 oz Vitazyme per gal of water)
- Make a hole large enough for the plug to fit in, (we use a rooting tube to make an indention into the soil).
- Insert the plug in the soil (Be careful not to damage the roots).
- Sprinkle two tablespoons of Excalibur VI around the plug and the top of the soil. Excalibur should last until the seedlings are approximately eight months old.
- Add soil to cover the fertilizer and the plug with about 1/2" to 1" of soil.
- Tamp the soil around the plug to assure good contact between the plug and the soil.
- Water until the soil is soaked.
- Add soil when needed.
- Be sure to water well when the soil is almost dry.
- Every two weeks Foliage feed with Bioblast 7-7-7 fertilize (1 tablespoon per gallon, full strength), early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Do not spray during the heat of the day.
- Treat for insects as needed.
Now that you have labored so hard to give your seeds the best possible care to help your seeds germinate and grow all you have to do is wait. I can assure you the feeling you get when you a plumeria seedling bloom that you grew from seed is worth it. Hopefully, you will find out how it feels for yourself in a few years.